I originally started practicing yoga in order to add a stretch-style exercise into my fitness routine. The yoga postures made my body feel better and gave me a great stretch, but taking time to focus on my breath and movement also gave my mind and thoughts a very much, needed break. I went through a traumatic, life-changing event that left me diagnosed with depression, PTSD and on anti-depressants. I found that when I practiced yoga, my body and mind both felt more relaxed and at ease. After just one month of practicing, I was taken off my anti-depressants and haven’t been back on them since. Yoga became my anti-depressant. I loved that I was doing something that was healthy for my body and mind, not just on my mat in the studio but also off my mat in everyday life. Yoga gave me a sense of calm and relaxation that would stay with me even after I left class. As my practice grew and deepened, I also noticed how the foods I ate would affect my practice, so I have changed and improved my diet since I started practicing. It’s taught me to live more in the present and how important it is to take time for myself. Yoga has helped me become healthier, stronger and more balanced, both physically and mentally. After personally discovering the many benefits yoga has to offer, I became a yoga instructor so I could share the wonderful benefits of yoga with others. Yoga has become so much more than just exercise for me, it is now my lifestyle.
06 Jan