Collierville Yoga has changed my life – the place, the people, the classes. When I began taking classes in July of 2019, I was stressed out, unhealthy and out of shape. I lacked the energy needed to manage being a wife, mother, and teacher. I had gone through 2 C-sections, weight gain, had a job that required me to sit at a computer a lot, and felt that my body could no longer handle the vigorous work outs I used to do. The feelings of intimidation and insecurity went away quickly when I walked through the door of Collierville Yoga. I was greeted warmly by all kinds of people in the class with varying abilities and different skill levels. The teacher of the class was knowledgeable and experienced and explained each pose in a way that put me at ease. I immediately felt welcomed and comfortable. I distinctly remember how I felt at the end of the class. My mind was quiet for the first time in years and my body felt nourished. I was emotional and knew that I finally found where I was supposed to be. As my confidence began to increase, and I realized that everyone there was enjoying their own practice too much to pay any attention to what I was doing during class, I began venturing out to other classes, taught by other teachers that consisted of various types of yoga. Never once was I uncomfortable or felt out of place. Every class was a new experience and a new opportunity to improve my health. I quickly learned that yoga is an experience for the mind, body and soul and that I wasn’t just exercising, I was healing my mind, body, and soul. I learned that yoga is medicine and that just finding a way to get to the mat and breathe was the most important part. It didn’t matter how much sweat I worked up or how many calories I burned, it didn’t matter if I did every pose perfectly because there is no such thing, everyone is different and as long as I showed up, I was benefiting. I have continued my yoga practice for over a year and a half and not only have my stress and anxiety levels decreased, l sleep better, my body moves easier, but most importantly, I am a better wife and mother. I don’t feel guilty going to yoga class and leaving my children after working all day because I know they are seeing me do something good for myself that enables me to take better care of them. Educating ourselves about yoga, meditation, and the benefits those activities have on our bodies and minds is a gift to ourselves. But applying that knowledge to our daily lives is the gift we share with the people in our lives we love so much. All of these things I have learned and accomplished are a direct result from the time I have spent at Collierville Yoga and would not have gained otherwise. The knowledge that has been instilled in me by the teachers and staff who through sharing their yoga experiences and expertise have made me a better person. Every time I walk through the studio door, every time I interact with teachers and studio members, I am better because of it. Thank you Collierville Yoga for showing me the way to healing and for giving me my life back.
06 Jan